Liberty Lane's Outreach Program holds support groups and tries to educate the our community about healthy relationships. Here is what we did 2015:397 clients (144 new, 253 returning)
Support Groups: o Freedom Group - 8 participants. o Self-Love group - 9 participants. o Assertiveness training groups - 19 participants 11 Public Awareness Activities: o February 10th, 2015: We participated in a health fair at Minto High School and set up an interactive information booth related to the topic of healthy relationships. o March 30th, 2015: We presented to a grade 7/8 class in McAdam on the topic of family/dating violence and healthy relationships. o May 4th, 2015: We attended a fundraiser at the Blue Door restaurant and presented information about our services. We set up an information booth related to the topic of healthy relationships. o May 23rd and August 8th, 2015: We worked the Giant Tiger fundraising barbeque and provided information on Liberty Lane and our services to member of the community. o October 13th, 2015: We presented information on Liberty Lane and our services to the Beyond the Hurt Committee at George Street Middle School. o October 20th and December 7th, 2015: We presented to a group of grade 8 students at George Street Middle School on the topic of Healthy Relationships. o October 30th, 2015: We presented to the Child and Youth team at Mental Health and Addictions on the topic of Liberty Lane and the services that we offer. o November 6th, 2015: We attended the Volunteer Greater Fredericton Luncheon and provided information about Liberty Lane and our services. o November 20th, 2015: We were interviewed by St. Thomas University Social Work students and provided them with information about Liberty Lane and our services. If interested in helping out with our cause please contact us! |
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