Liberty Lane - since 1993 For 26 years Liberty Lane has been a refuge and source of comfort for individuals affected by abuse. It has helped thousands of folks and their children develop the tools and resources necessary to break away from the cycle of abuse and violence. Safe and affordable housing are key components in creating a reality where people can make a fresh start away from abuse but Liberty Lane does not just provide refuge; it’s a place of work and growth. The workers and administrators help the clients get the counseling and life skills they need to break the cycle of abuse. The individuals in Liberty Lane housing and those using Liberty Lane’s outreach programs are learning to set goals, develop new skills, and regain a sense of pride and self-confidence.
Focus on the Progress – be part of the progress Domestic abuse is an uncomfortable subject. To be abused by someone so intimate to ourselves is hard to accept. It’s up to us as a community to continually commit to fighting against domestic abuse, to let those affected know that it’s unacceptable and that it’s not their fault.
The Demand Each year, an average of 30 women (and their children) approach Liberty Lane for housing but half of those can’t be accommodated because the facility is full. Kenny House will have a greater capacity to deal with the demand and will also be wheelchair accessible and able to accommodate larger families. This move is going forward. Liberty Lane’s current facility has been sold; construction has begun on the new site. Liberty Lane needs this move because women and children continue to need Liberty Lane. We want you to be part of this continued growth and success. Take the Challenge – Support the Kenny House Capital Campaign Take the challenge, stand up for women and children affected by abuse. Help Liberty Lane in its Kenny House Capital Campaign. Give generously knowing the true impact of your gift.