Liberty Lane wants your help!!
Help stop abuse!
Help stop abuse!
If your group, church, book club, office or organization is looking for an important cause, we have a well-supported, short-term initiative that makes a real difference in our community! Liberty Lane Fundraising Partner Package: We have a kit made up of Liberty Lane bookmarks and support material (listed below). Your group can select the number of bookmarks you wish to gift to friends/co-workers/family, then you donate the associated amount of funds to Liberty Lane and we deliver the kit to you.
Additionally, if your group feels they would like to take some bookmarks to sell on behalf of Liberty Lane, collect the funds, and donate the funds raised from the bookmark sales – we will happily partner with you. If you have other fundraising ideas such as wine tastings, benefit concerts, special speaker series, etc. we would love to be part of your efforts and truly appreciate the community support.. |
General Inquiriesoffice hoursMonday - Friday, 9 am - 5 pm
Excluding Holidays |